Peter Vogel Legal, Sydney Australia.
Most people who seek my help feel that they have been treated unfairly in some way. They may have been ripped off as a consumer, treated poorly by an organisation or had their rights violated by an individual.
If you find yourself in a situation like this, what you need most is someone who will listen to your issue and take you seriously. I will do just that. I will explain your options clearly in everyday language and help you to understand your rights.
Then, if you wish, I will fight for them.

Here are some examples of the varied problems I’ve helped clients to solve:
- Small business owner invoiced for goods he never ordered
- Landlord blocked café owner’s access to business
- Bank foreclosing on farm affected by drought
- Unfair termination of employment
- Cosmetic surgery that didn’t deliver what was promised
- House sitters who wouldn’t leave
- House falling down due to dodgy builder
- Visa applicant paid an agent who disappeared with his money
- Retirement village residents threatened with loss of homes
- Dispute between private company investors and directors
- Builder denying responsibility for faulty deck
- Disability discrimination in NSW public school
- Parents not allowed to install air purifiers in classroom
My first phone consultation (up to one hour) is FREE of charge.
Let’s talk. To arrange a time, email me I usually respond the same day.
Peter Vogel Legal Pty Ltd ABN 62642072464 .
PO Box 38 Springwood NSW 2777
I am working from my home office in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney (Australia). For fastest response, please use email (below).
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.